Where is the TnUAD University Library located and when is it open?
The Alexander Dubček University Library in Trenčín is located at Horný Šianec 9, 911 01 Trenčín.
Opening hours are as follows: During the school year (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday): 08:00 - 16:00, Tuesday: 08:00 - 16:00, Friday: 08:00 - 15:00.
During the summer holidays (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday): 08:00 - 14:00, Tuesday: 08:00 - 16:00.
The library is closed on public holidays and non-working days.
Any change in opening hours is announced in good time on the website and Facebook page of the TnUAD University Library.
What services does the library offer?
The TnUAD University Library offers its members a wide range of services and options, including lending books, magazines and other documents, interlibrary loan services, providing access to electronic information resources, registering publishing activities, providing ISBN and EAN when publishing publications at TnUAD, or organizing training courses, workshops or creating information materials.
How much will I pay for what?
Users of the TnUAD University Library pay for registration and reprographic, interlibrary loan and search services. In addition, they may pay penalty fees for violating the Library Rules. All fees are in accordance with the currently valid Price List of Services and Fees.
How can I pay?
Registration, paid services and penalties can only be paid in cash directly at the TnUAD University Library. It is also possible to pay for research services by bank transfer, after consultation with the library staff.
Who can become a library member?
A member and user of the TnUAD University Library can be a TnUAD employee, a TnUAD student, or an external interested party. By completing and signing the application form, the user undertakes to comply with all provisions of the Library Regulations of TnUAD.
How to become a library member and for how long is the registration valid?
A natural person becomes a library member by completing and signing the application form and paying the registration fee according to the price list of services directly at TnUAD. The validity of the registration of TnUAD employees is for the duration of the employment contract and for TnUAD students during the period of study. In case of other members from the public, the validity of the registration is renewed annually.
Is registration in the TnUAD University Library valid also in the faculty libraries of TnUAD and vice versa?
Yes, if you have registered in the TnUAD University Library, your membership is also valid in all faculty libraries of the University of Trenčín (FK FSEV and FK FPT) and vice versa.
What if I interrupt my studies?
If you interrupt or do not immediately start your subsequent studies, your registration in the library will cease to be valid, and therefore a TnUAD student who interrupts his studies is obliged to settle his obligations to the library. In the event of a later return to studies, his membership status will be renewed. However, before the first loan, it is necessary to come to the library in person and have his registration updated.
Can I use the library services even after graduation?
A TnUAD student who graduates from studies is obliged to settle his obligations to the library. He can then register as an external member and continue to use the services in accordance with the Library Regulations.
I want to borrow a book/journal from the University Library, how should I proceed?
First of all, you need to become a member of the library. Then you can search for the desired title in the TnUAD Online Catalog, (order it via an online account) and/or then visit the selected library, where the staff will help you find it, lend it, or inform the user about further procedures.
Is there a catalog with a list of books/journals from all TnUAD libraries?
Yes, the TnUAD Online Catalog integrates the book and journal collections of all TnUAD libraries (university and faculty), with the standard setting it searches all books and journals and displays in the search results which library the given title is located in, or where how many copies are available. If the user wants to search for titles from only one library, in the advanced search, they select the "Collection" criterion in the drop-down menu and set the selection filter to University Library or Faculty Libraries (FSEV/FPT).
How do I find out if a given book/journal is available and where can I find it?
After searching for the desired book in the TnUAD Online Catalog, the option Available (in the green field) or Occupied (in the orange field) will be displayed for the record. If the title is available, it is available and can be borrowed, if the material is occupied, it is either borrowed or available only for full-time study in the library. Then, it is necessary to click on the Record details button and the details or a list of several copies of the given title, including the location, will be displayed.
How many materials can I borrow at once? For how long?
The loan period and the amount of borrowed materials are related to the type of membership. TnUAD employees can borrow a maximum of 20 titles, including books for 3 months and magazines for 1 week. TnUAD students and external users can borrow 10 titles, including books for 1 month and magazines for 1 week. All users can extend the loan period twice if the title has not been reserved by another reader.
Where and how can I return a borrowed book/magazine?
The materials must be brought to the library from which they were borrowed, or sent by post.
What if the requested book/magazine is borrowed?
If the requested title is borrowed, the user can reserve it through their personal reader account in the TnUAD Online Catalog, or by contacting the library staff. After returning the material to the library, the user will be sent a notification about the availability of the material.
What if the requested title is blocked?
If the material is blocked, it is available exclusively for full-time study in the library and cannot be borrowed.
Can I borrow materials from faculty libraries of TnUAD?
Yes, but only in exceptional cases. Since the book is not physically available in the University Library, it is necessary to take into account the waiting time, and therefore it is more appropriate to borrow the book directly from the faculty library.
Can I borrow bachelor's or diploma theses?
No, bachelor's, diploma and habilitation theses can not borrowed.
How can I prolong the loan period?
The loan period can be extended using a personal reader account, in person, or by contacting library staff via e-mail. The loan period cannot be extended if the book/journal is reserved by another reader, or if this addition is included in the reminder procedure.
What happens if I do not return the book within the specified period? How should I proceed?
The reader will receive a reminder in his/her personal reader account and will also receive a reminder by e-mail and will be charged penalty fees in accordance with the currently valid Price List of Services and Fees. Based on the reminder, it is necessary to contact the library staff as soon as possible.
How can I place an order for a loan or reserve a book??
The required loan (book or magazine) can be ordered (if available)/reserved (if borrowed) using a personal reader account, or in person at the library.
What do the abbreviations of locations in the online catalog (UK, FK, etc.) mean?
In the search results, the following abbreviations of locations are found in the record details, i.e. the places where the given book/journal is located:
UK – University Library (Trenčín, center)
FK – Faculty Library FSEV (Trenčín, Sihoť)
P1 – Faculty Library FŠT (Púchov)
K1 – Creative Center FabLab (Trenčín, Záblatie)
RE – Rectorate of TnUAD (Trenčín, Sihoť)
FG – FunGlas (Trenčín, Sihoť)
Absentee loans are only possible for items in the locations UK, FK and P1.
How will I know that the ordered/reserved book is ready/available for me?
Readers will be informed about the availability of the requested material by email.
Where can I pick up the ordered materials?
Ordered materials can be picked up at the library according to the location:
UK – University Library (Trenčín, center)
FK – Faculty Library FSEV (Trenčín, Sihoť)
P1 – Faculty Library FŠT (Púchov).
Why can it take longer to process an order - reservation requirements?
It may happen that the previous reader does not return the reserved title on time for various reasons. We also recommend following the announcements on the University Library's Facebook page, or opening hours on the library pages or notices on the doors regarding possible interruptions in library operations due to technical or other reasons.
How should I cancel an order/reservation?
An order can be canceled through the reader's account, or by sending an e-mail.
How do I find out when my loan period is ending?
The easiest way is to monitor the status of loans in the reader's online account. If necessary, you can check the status of your loan in person, by phone or by e-mail.
How should I prolong my loan?
The loan period can be extended using your personal reader account, in person, or by contacting the library staff via e-mail.
When can a loan not be prolonged?
The loan period cannot be extended if the book/magazine is reserved by another reader or is already included in the reminder procedure.
How do I change the password to my personal account?
The password to your personal account can be changed according to instructions in the Forms and Instructions section.
How do I find out that a reminder has been generated?
The reader will see a reminder in their personal reader account and will also receive a reminder by e-mail and will be charged penalty fees in accordance with the currently valid Price List of Services and Fees. Based on the reminder, it is necessary to contact the library staff as soon as possible.
How do I access electronic information resources available to TnUAD?
The list of electronic information resources available to TnUAD students and employees can be found on the library website in the External Resources section (Databases in the TnUAD network, as well as Open Access resources and Links). Then, just check whether the given resource is available from anywhere or only from the TnUAD network (for example, on the Resource Map) and click on the link.
Do I have access to all electronic resources?
TnUAD employees and students have access to all resources listed in the External Resources section (Databases in the TnUAD network, as well as Open Access resources and Links). Some e-resources are available only from the TnUAD network, or after registration, or through CVTI. The form of access to resources is displayed on the Interactive Resource Map.
Can I browse the EIZ from my computer, or do I have to be connected to the TnUAD network?
Open Access EIZ and Useful Links are available anytime and anywhere, but Databases in the TnUAD network are available exclusively from devices that are connected to the TnUAD network, including using a Wi-Fi connection (in the library, faculties, dormitory, etc.), or via CVTI (after registration). The form of access to resources is displayed on the Interactive Resource Map.
What is MVS?
MVS (Interlibrary Loan Service) is a library and information service that allows library members to obtain documents that are not part of the collection of a given library from other libraries in Slovakia. More specifically, if, for example, the book or article that the user needs is not in the collection of the home library, it is possible to request to borrow a title / document (or make a photocopy of a part of a document) from another library. This service enables effective sharing of library resources on a nationwide level and provides access to information even outside one's own library.
Is it possible to borrow materials from other libraries? How does MVS work?
Yes, if the reader cannot find the desired title in the TnUAD Online Catalog, he can request to borrow the document from another library within the Slovak Republic. Based on the request for MVS, the University Library will order the requested title and will contact the user by email upon receipt. The reader must come to collect the borrowed materials in person at the TnUAD University Library. The user who borrowed a document through MVS is obliged to comply with the conditions and loan period of the requested document set by the sending library. Any extension of the loan period for MVS must be requested at least a week before its expiration and the University Library will request the extension from the home library. The reader returns the borrowed material to the TnUAD University Library.
How can I request MVS?
The TnUAD University Library can be requested to implement MVS by sending a completed form (request for MVS)..
Do I have to pay for MVS?
The Interlibrary Loan Service itself is provided free of charge at the TnUAD University Library. The reader must only pay the handling fee according to the Price List of Services and Fees. When borrowing titles from multiple libraries, when it is not possible to borrow the requested titles from one library, the reader is obliged to pay the handling fee multiplied by the number of libraries requested for this service.
How can I request an ISBN?
An ISBN can be applied for by submitting a completed form Request for ISBN allocation. The form must be signed by a superior.
What is IF? How do I find the IF of a journal?
IF (Impact Factor) is a citation index, which is formed by the ratio of the number of citations in a given year to all articles for the previous two years. IF is one of the indicators of the quality of a scientific journal. The impact factor is provided by the ISI Journal Citations Reports service. IF can be found in the Clarivate – Journal Citations Reports database, which is available from computers in the TnUAD network or via remote access via CVTI.
What is a current journal and how do I find one?
Current journals are verified, high-quality scientific periodicals that are processed and registered by the ISI Current Contents service. Curated journals can be searched on the Web of Knowledge portal in the Current Contents Connect (CCC) section, which is available from computers in the TnUAD network or via remote access via CVTI.
How do I find out which journal is predatory?
Information on predatory journals, publishers, and their practices is available on the library website under the Publication Activity section.
What is a transformation agreement and what are the possibilities of free publishing in Open Access mode within this agreement?
The transformation agreement (agreement no. 92/CVTISR/2023 dated 29.3.2023) is an agreement concluded between the CVTI SR consortium and Springer Nature and Elsevier. It provides the possibility of free publishing in Open Access mode in the journals of the aforementioned publishers. The agreement is concluded until 2026. More information is available on the CVTI website.
How do I choose a suitable journal for publishing in Open Science mode?
The list of journals of individual publishers is available on the CVTI SR website, for each publisher separately:
Elsevier also offers the option of effectively searching for suitable journals directly on their website, using the Journal Finder tool. You can search not only by subject headings and keywords, but also by the entire abstract of the publication. The search results include a list of suggested titles, metrics, detailed information about the journal, and estimated time of acceptance and publication of the article (by clicking on the search option).
You can also consult with library staff about the targeting of your selection.
How can I request EPČ?
You can apply for the registration of your publishing activity using one of the EPČ forms on the University Library TnUAD website, in accordance with the valid EPČ instructions.
For how long will I have to wait for the publication to be registered?
The length of the wait depends on several factors, such as the publication's publication (it is not possible to register preprints and publications in Early Access status), confirmed affiliation in databases, or the number of requests for registration at a given time. The average time for registering a request takes (depending on the circumstances) approximately 2-4 weeks.
What is REPČO?
REPČO is a local system for registering publishing activity, which offers multiple search options and outputs (e.g. by projects, bibliometrics, IF, etc.) and allows the university to register records and data that are not in CREPČ. REPČO integrates data from the DAWINCI, CREPČ 1 and CREPČ 2 systems.
Where can I find the full texts of my publications?
Since 2022, the REPČO system has also included a repository of full texts of publications. It is available in the system in the Additional data section. If necessary, contact the staff of the TnUAD University Library.
Is the connection of citations appearing in the WOS and SCOPUS databases with the CREPČ system automatic?
No, all citations are registered solely based on filling out the form. The currently processed list of citations is always available only within the databases (WOS, Scopus, etc.), or it is searchable via Google Scholar.
What to do in the case of registering citations that are not in the databases (WOS, Scopus, etc.)?
Citations are registered by filling out the form on the website. .
Where can I find a complete record of my publication activity (DAWINC, CREPČ 1 and CREPČ2)?
A complete record of publication activity can be found in the local system of publication activity REPČO, in which it is possible to work in the same way as in the CREPČ system (search, creation of outputs, etc.)
Are PhD. students obliged to send publication activity?
Each doctoral student is obliged to send their publication activity on an ongoing basis. A new doctoral student must also report personal data (date of commencement of doctoral studies, date of birth, date of completion of studies, etc.).
Are changes in employment contracts automatically registered in CREPČ?
No, every employee who applies for an EPČ is obliged to report changes in employment, time and classification.
When should I send my publication activity?
Publication activity must be reported continuously for the current year.
How do I find bibliometric data in CREPČ/REPČO?
Immediately after searching for a recorded article or contribution that appears in the WoS and Scopus databases, it is necessary to click on the title of the article and then on the title of the journal. Bibliometrics, which includes IF, SRJ, SNIP, are available in the journal description.
How do I find data on the journal quartile in CREPČ/REPČO?
After searching for a registered article or contribution that appears in the WoS and Scopus databases, you need to click on the title of the article and then on the name of the journal. On the right side there is an item Quartile and after clicking it, all available quartiles will be displayed.
If I do not have time to send my publication activity by the end of the reporting period, is it possible to have it recorded in the following year?
Yes, publications from the previous period can be recorded in the following year, but they will only appear in the outputs for the reporting period in which they were recorded.
How do I create a report of my publishing activity?
All detailed information regarding the creation of the output of publishing activity is available in the Instructions section.