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Information and Scientific Center

The Information and Scientific Center for Entrepreneurs was created in the building of
the University Library of the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín

 as a part of the project

Creation of a network interconnecting information of scientific, academic and special libraries, and their modernization

The goal of the Information and Scientific Center for Entrepreneurs is to provide quality library and information services based on using electronic information resources, to improve the quality of specialized services for small and medium-sized business sector, increase education, productivity and employment, and thus help with innovations in industry and build a knowledge economy in the Slovak Republic.

The information network is focused on start-up entrepreneurs and microentrepreneurs, existing small and medium-sized business and non-profit organizations, supporting business development, students, teachers and faculty, doctoral students and the general public.

The Information Scientific Center at the TnUAD University Library provides nice premises equipped with information technologies and offers the possibility of holding various seminars, trainings, presentations and other events.

The Information Scientific Center is actively used by the TnUAD University Library for the purposes of information education of TnUAD students, seminars and trainings related to usage of online databases available to the university, education of library staff and many other events. Information about upcoming events can be found on the UK TnUAD website

Contact information

Univerzitná knižnica Trenčianskej univerzity Alexandra Dubčeka

Horný Šianec 9




Contact person: Mgr. Miroslava Piscová, tel.: 032/6521559, 032/7400171